Saturday, May 4, 2013

Dear Survivor,

Dear Victim waiting to become a Survivor, I send this poem to your soul spirit to spirt unedited....

Although you sit there hurt and abused
Feeling like no one care that your flesh has been used
There is still wet ink on your life
God is trying to get through to your spirit so strive
Strive to look past the hurt, anger and shame
Try to look past the embarrassment and pain
I feel you as you shed a tear
I hear you as you weap at night
I pray for your spirit that God makes it right
But you are a Survivor
You are a Warrior
You are a Conqueror
God has given you power of your situation already
So let your heart not be troubled and get ready
Because the storm is passing over your life
But it will not stop the sunshine God has set over you to shine bright
So cry your tears and encourage yourself
That although this is a phase
We at Faith Conquers are here and want to help
A day at a time is all you can do
A sample of Gods faith can carry you all the way through
So take a shower and wipe off the sweat
Be encouraged because God is not through with you yet.

Poetry For the lonely Souls.....

If I had not believed in God I would have been alone,
If I had not dream t of him holding my hand I would have stood alone
If I had not cried my last tear and in fear prayed for his existence to be there,
I would have died alone!
It appeared I only had 1 more prayer and all I had to do was prayer to an invisible spirit.
But I was lonely, I felt confused,
I felt abandoned, I felt used
How can this spirit whom I never saw and don't exist help me become a Conqueror and lift,
Life my soul to a higher ground
Touch my heart and keep it safe and sound.
I had given up on life, I didn't have nothing else to lose so I decided to try Christ
It was the best decision I could have ever made for my life
13yrs later and a lifetime of change
God has taken over and is still re-arranging somethings
I never knew of love like I believe in it now
I didn't think peace was possible but now I sleep safe and sound
I took a chance on a thought of what I had to lose
And now I am thankful that as a blessing God is allowing me to be a tool.

I love you and God is waiting, Claim your victory and believe that you are apart of his plan.

Dear Jessica,

Hey mini me I know you are going through so much and feel alone because of what you are going through. I am watching you and if you believe in God I know you will get through these dark ages and overcome. I almost feel like I am talking to myself because at 17yrs old do you even know I exist, do you even know I am holding on to you by a thread. At 13yrs old I watch you lose your faith in God as you found yourself alone, I seen you try and trust people but was again left alone. At 15yrs old I watched you cry and hate yourself, and try to commit suicide I wanted to reach in and save you but God wouldn't allow me too because he had his own plans. But I believed in you. At 17yrs old I sat next to you when you told your story and no one believed you I touched your shoulder and whispered *Don't Give Up* but you had lost it, I remember you took all those pills and tried to kill yourself, I remember begging God for you to please help you, because you had lost your will to live and it wasn't your fault. I remember God saying to me in spirit *She has to believe that I am here and I am keeping her for my plan, she has to keep believing in me* I remember the day you went in for surgery on your kidney and even in the hospital you were still being abused. I cried for you so many nights but I believed in you so many days that you would get through it all. I will never forget the day you thought you got away you was so happy you actually prayed and said Thank God. Only to have to go right back into the place of abuse. Jessica I am sorry you had to go through all of that and I know for years you hated yourself. I know for years you wouldn't trust anyone, you wouldn't even allow a man to touch you. I am sorry you felt alone and each time you thought you had someone to talk to they betrayed you and you was right back at being alone. But I never stop praying to God for you and as the years went by I remember you masking your pain so much until you forgot who you were and became what people wanted and saw you as. That was just a phase I spoke with God and he told me he was keeping you for a special project* I know you thought your life was meaningless for so long. I know you never really found your place with your family so you just went with the flow. But I come to you now in spirit to you to tell you after all those wonder yrs that you thought you had no purpose and that you thought you gave up on God. He never left you alone but he kept you closer than you knew. You had a breaking point again when Janice past you had a set back but God saw you were lonely and broken and at the age of 27yrs old you met a man that would become your husband and he taught you what love was. He made you smile, Jessica he loved you and you allowed him to. For the first time in your life you found happiness you believed again and you began to live and find your own purpose. At 28 you beat the odds and had a son James Joshua D'Antignac Jr. after your husband. Yes! you got married! The same yr you began writing poetry and published 2 books the same yr. all positive and inspiring because you found God for you. You now believed in life and had people around you who loved you and didn't judge you about your past but because they saw God in you. At 30yrs old you now have a daughter, God took you through some challenges with both pregnancies because he was still shaping you to be strong but she survived Jocelyn Jessie-Mae D'Antignac at 3lbs now she is 1yrs old and 23lbs. Also God didn't stop there over your life he gave you the courage to write and publish 3more books. As well as now you are and author and a CEO of your own non-profit organization *Faith Conquers* you are the spokes person for every girl that was just like you and you own VICTORY. So now as I am here to tell you God never left you I am sorry for what you endured but it was for a purpose bigger than you. Now you can watch me make change. Thank you mini Jessica you held on and now I am strong enough to stand up for us.

Speaking Out against Abuse

Sometimes in life we struggle through purpose and beliefs, but there comes a time in all our lives that we have to stand for something, or we will fall for anything. Incest and Molestation is becoming an epidemic its on every channel, news paper and in schools, churches and most importantly in our homes. Its time to stop keeping old heritage rules of keeping silent and protect and save someone. Could be someone else child today and our child tomorrow. Speak up and make a stand!

Monday, January 30, 2012

*******Unspoken Words*******

I've searched high and low looking for words to define, 

The pain and anger I feel inside.
For a once love that is now an emotional stranger,
Someone that for the price of control exposed me to danger.
Unspoken words of emotions trapped in a bottle,
Still full fledged and heart throttled.
No one said love would stop over night, 
But everyday it's a constant fight.
To ignore the words that describes How I feel inside,
A beautiful thing turned into a confused affair.
Wondering why everything was no longer clear?
Trying to find out why you can not see?
That pass the moments what you were doing to me,
How can you share a bond so deep.
But behind closed doors silent tears rocked me to sleep,
Trying to understand How anger works so strong.
That it would make you reach out and extend your arm,
Trying to be clear on understanding why?
You don't see the problems that you are with holding inside,
So now today as I have walked away,
I stand confused and await the day.
That you understand that is not love, that is not genuine.
That is a cycle that had it not ended would be continuing.
To understand 90/10 of a good thing,
Is to not measure the 10% of abuse now being questioned.
When the numbers out weighs the reality, 
That is when the problems have now became a formality.
Take the time to reflect what once was,
And realize what anger can do and what it does.
But take the time to think How can you work on that,
Because without medical help this here love thing will no longer be a factor.
Unspoken words

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Beautiful Spirit

~~~~A Beautiful Spirit~~~~

It took a moment to realize you were gone,
But in my ears I could still hear you singing your favorite song.
As tears fell down my face,
I realize you were a gem that will never be replaced.
As I sat back and smiled with tears of joy
You brought so much energy to everyone especially my little boy.
Your heart was so big and had pure love for so many,
It was shown in action and passed along through plenty.
You worked so hard and diligently for all to see,
God saw you were tired and said *My child come with me*
As we all sit and cry,
It brings us joy to know you made it inside.
A beautiful spirit is a humble soul,
A beautiful spirit is a heart of gold
A beautiful spirit is a pleasant surprise,
A beautiful spirit is what I saw through your eyes.
Although my heart is flushed with pain,
I know when the clouds were gathering God was calling your name.
Although right now words can't express,
I know your weary body is at rest.
So go on my long time dear friend and relax your mind,
Because through this kingdom and all over you served your time.
So go on my best dressed friend in heart,
You won everyone over with your smile from the start.
So go on my beautiful spirit,
Go on and take your rest.
I loved you  but my great God loved you best,

Copyright ©2011 Jessica D'Antignac