Monday, January 30, 2012

*******Unspoken Words*******

I've searched high and low looking for words to define, 

The pain and anger I feel inside.
For a once love that is now an emotional stranger,
Someone that for the price of control exposed me to danger.
Unspoken words of emotions trapped in a bottle,
Still full fledged and heart throttled.
No one said love would stop over night, 
But everyday it's a constant fight.
To ignore the words that describes How I feel inside,
A beautiful thing turned into a confused affair.
Wondering why everything was no longer clear?
Trying to find out why you can not see?
That pass the moments what you were doing to me,
How can you share a bond so deep.
But behind closed doors silent tears rocked me to sleep,
Trying to understand How anger works so strong.
That it would make you reach out and extend your arm,
Trying to be clear on understanding why?
You don't see the problems that you are with holding inside,
So now today as I have walked away,
I stand confused and await the day.
That you understand that is not love, that is not genuine.
That is a cycle that had it not ended would be continuing.
To understand 90/10 of a good thing,
Is to not measure the 10% of abuse now being questioned.
When the numbers out weighs the reality, 
That is when the problems have now became a formality.
Take the time to reflect what once was,
And realize what anger can do and what it does.
But take the time to think How can you work on that,
Because without medical help this here love thing will no longer be a factor.
Unspoken words

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